boom-aid gives back good vibes
we know the struggle is real and we have friends, creatives, businesses, nfp's and individuals who are doing good things, so we find these projects and dish out our time, equipment and services to get those ideas out there
art prints, giveaway posters, install advice and a VIP skateboard parking station for Jason Morey’s “this must be the place” skate photography exhibition
we have big plans for boom-aid and are pumped to give back to the people who need it most
decals, decals, decals! 100s of decals installed for a whole heap of retailers, cafes, restaurants and galleries along a busy high street in Collingwood, Victoria celebrating the "People of Gertrude Steet"
the launch also featured 150 asphalt art prints giving residents and visitors a yellow brick road of visuals to explore while shopping
creative by @spacebetween
photography shot by @phamstapham
print & install by @boomstudios
digital screens provided and installed at SLO’s “First & Lasts” screening at Blindside Gallery
+ tonnes of metal recycled
+ astroturf rehomed
+ heaps of items repurposed
+ $1,342 raised
+ many sexyfied laptops
+ boom-team flex
+ 2 large print winners
+ 3 small print winners
+ heaps of poster giveaways
+ over $5,000 invested
+ 100s of stores decaled
+ 150 asphalt art posters
+ a lot of human hours installing
+ happy people
+ a brewery went to town
+ 1 found kitty (we hope)
+ AR posters?!
+ Melbourne back open! (for a little while at least)
we work with our partners, suppliers, and the boom racing™ pit crew (our merch store) to bank coins that we can reinvest back into our community's good ideas